J E A N - J A C Q U E S  G A U D E L  D E S I G N S

F A V O R I T E    S I T E S

    Although only a very small percentage of websites are artistic , there are indeed some wonderful places to visit on the web. I have saved my favorite sites over the years, and you can browse them too. In fact , it would help greatly in designing your site if you did , and made notes of which ones you like best and why. You can borrow ideas here and there ,and we can come up with something unique ,beautiful, original, sophisticated and personal , yet simple and easy to navigate.

    You will find below links to some of my favorite sites . Most are art related, a few can be a little challenging.

    I don't give them to you as perfect examples, just as an inspiration to do better.

    The site of the Mexican internet Art magazine ZONE ZERO presents shows of outstanding photography . Their archive is huge, and well worth browsing if you have an interest in photography. If you have the time ,just go to  www.zone zero.com  and browse. If not, here is a selection of my favorites shows at Zone Zero:


























     Another great site to look at is KODAK's LEGENDS ON LINE serie of major photographers portfolios .You can browse the whole thing at :


    Here are my favorites sections on the site:










      Most professional Photographers and Artists have nice sites.  Here are some of my favorites:













































Architects and designers sites are usually clean and sophisticated:












       I have found very few nice Art Gallery or Museum sites so far , but I will keep looking. Our own Birmingham Museum of Art actually has one of the best:









   I have a growing interest in the new possibilities opened with the addition of interactive graphics (rollover, etc...) , movies (QUICKTIME) , interactive virtual reality (QUICKTIME VR), animation (FLASH) . Here are some sites to check out




















          www.vrview.com/sacredworlds   , in particular these artists : Carol Rossi, Peter Morse, David Pitchford, Thomas Krull, Zoe Beloff, Chris Cassidy, Clay Rodgers.













































B A C K   T O    T H E   T O P

A B O U T  U S H O M E S I T E  S A M P L E S C O N T A C T