C O N S T R U C T I O N   L O G 

M A Y    2 0 0 4

The goal (this is Stefan Wode's naked Classic in Germany)

2 5      Set up first table in studio, with a 4 ft x 11 ft plywood top. Traced the bows for the rudder, the elevator and the stabilizer directly on the table top, covered with butcher paper, placed nails every 6 " or so along the outside of the curves, and started the laminations on all three . Had to go back to Harbor freight for more clamps. I was afraid they might be too stiff and cause too much epoxy to ooze out, but they work just fine   4 hrs

2 6

 Laminated more tail bows. Used a painter tack cloth to wipe all dust off the wood strips. Mixed the T-88 epoxy on a small note pad using an artist flexible palette knife(much better than a popsicle stick) and using a fresh clean page for each batch.

.Set up second table 4 ft x 14 ft . Studied blueprints.

  4 hrs

2 7

Laminated bows some more. Levelled second table carefully.

Cut longerons and braces for both sides of fuselage out of 3/4" x3/4" stock.

Had to make a jig to cut accurate scarf joints on the band saw.
  8 hrs

2 8
Finished the tail laminations, 5 and 8 plies of 3/4" x 1/8" spruce strips.
Glue right side of fuselage. Cut the 1/2" x 1/8"geodetic pieces with my handy mini modeling chop saw from Harbor Freight , and glue them in the longerons slots and together where they intersect , using clothepins to hold them tight.
  7 hrs

2 9

Glued left side of fuselage , cut geodetic strips and glued them.

Cleaned and planed laminations with a little Stanley plane from Lowes.

Cut pieces for stabilizer, glued it together, added corner blocks.


  9 hrs


Cut parts and glued elevator with most blocks.

Fit and glued odd shaped blocks in elevator.

Cut 3 matching slots 1/16th off center line(so hinge pin is centered) in stabilizer trailing edge and elevator leading edge ,and fitted he 3 hinges. Used a Dremel with circular blade to start slots, then a japanese saw to cut 3/4 deep.


  8 hrs
TOTAL       41hrs

  N E X T   M O N T H   B A C K   T O   I N D E X