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Hindu temple, rangoon
Sule pagoda, Rangoon
Wall pagodas, to Kyaiktiyo
Monks on pagoda bridge
Pagoda fund raising booth
Pagoda on the sea, Kiyaikami
Pagodas on the sea,Kiyaikami
Monastery staircase
Pagoda platform, Moulmein
Monk at sunset
Ox cart, Kyaiktiyo
Spice girl, Moulmein
Morning offerings
Medecine shop
Red bridge pagoda
Pagoda umbrellas
Shwesandaw paya, Pyay
Shwemoktaw paya, Pathein
Pagoda bell, Chaungtha
Beach pagoda, Chaungtha
Monks cabinet
Chrismas trees pagoda, Pyay
Column pagoda
Wrapped pagoda, Pyay

M O R E . O F . B U R M A
B A C K   T O   W O R L D   T R A V E L P R I C E L I S T B I O H O M E